About the Author
Steffan H. Abel D.C. M.Sc. graduated in 1990 and since that time has had his own successful practice.
As well as studying various Chiropractic-based treatments (gaining an M.Sc. in post graduate Clinical Chiropractic in 2003), he has trained in Hypnotherapy, N.L.P., qualified as a Life Coach as well as energy therapies such as Seichem and Reiki. In 2001 he became a Fellow of the College of Chiropractors and a Fellow of the Association of Osteomyology and in 2007 became a Fellow of the European Academy of Chiropractic.
In his spare time he spends between 15 and 25 hours per week researching all areas of “alternative” and allopathic healthcare in order to bring the best advice to his patients through his practice and writing.
Talking about the his research into Alzheimer's he stated that...
“I have spent many years looking at the various treatments and supplements that are available for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and this is a distillation of the material that I have uncovered. These are the techniques that I have found to be most beneficial not only for my own circumstances but also that have helped my patients the most with their own families.
The research into Alzheimer’s disease is constantly ongoing and evolving and new ideas, treatments and theories are coming to the attention of doctors, support organisations and the media so this book will constantly grow. All the latest advances will be collected and reviewed and if they are deemed to be of merit they will be uploaded to the website (to which you have free access with the purchase of this book) and will be added to further published additions with each new printing.
If you have any thoughts or contributions that you would like to see included please drop me an email at info@alzheimersalternative.com and if suitable they will be entered on to the site and shared with others.”
I highly recommend “The Alzheimer's Alternative" book, and do so to my patients and their families, when affected by this horrible condition. Ideally it should be read by everyone as Alzheimer's is on the increase and people should be informed to recognise the symptoms: take action to prevent this devastating problem and to minimise and delay it's affect should it befall yourself or someone you love.
This is where this book comes in. It's all here. For the lay person it is easy to read and understand. For the professional Health Care Practitioner, it has all the latest research and information in one place and therefore saves a lot of time and the need to research elsewhere. It looks at the alternative actions that can be used which not only include the orthodox medical view point, but herbs, diet and supplementation.
Also, it's a work in progress and as new methods and research come to light, information is given on the web site that's specially linked to the book – so in reality it's a book that's constantly up to date. It gives a full picture of the condition and the ammunition available to fight back.
Peter G. Goldby
D.O., D.M.T., CThA. Complementary Health Practitioner |
With more than 26 million people worldwide living with Alzheimer's disease
(and even greater numbers suffering from one of the other types of dementia),
it is also likely
that you know someone, whether it is a family member or a friend,
who is suffering from this condition.
If you do then you need this book NOW! |
Every 60 seconds someone, somewhere in the world is given the diagnosis that they have Alzheimer's disease and that medically there is no treatment at this time for the condition. Sure, there are medications that you can take that may slow the progression but these all come with side-effects. Drugs like Aricept, Exelon and Reminyl may cause diarrhoea, nausea, insomnia, fatigue and loss of appetite, whilst other medications such as Ebixa can cause dizziness, headaches, tiredness, confusion and even hallucinations. And if they do help slow the condition they offer no hope for improvement.
But at last now there is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. The “Alzheimer's Alternative” is the book that anyone dealing with mild memory loss or early Alzheimer's must-read in order to preserve the highest possible quality of life for as long as possible! |
The “Alzheimer's Alternative” shows you simple step by step methods that will not only reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or dementia but it will also give you the information you need about supplements that have been shown scientifically to improve the condition.
Whilst everybody agrees that early diagnosis and treatment are essential (and this book gives you the early signs to look out for, aggravating factors and predisposing conditions so that you always have the upper hand) it also presents you with an authoritative, state-of-the-art guide giving you all the answers you need to take an alternative approach to treatment.
This ground breaking book tells you everything you need to know about the
Lifestyle changes
you need to improve the condition often within days!
Not only will it give you all the advice you need to tackle the memory loss side of dementia but also practical and nutritional help to deal with the mood changes (the depression, anger, sadness etc.) that are often also associated with the conditions.
No matter what your current situation is, you will find the answers you need right here in the “Alzheimer's Alternative”:
- It shows you the 7 early warning signs that can be indicative of dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
- It covers the 10 theories behind the disease and the 6 major risk factors – if you know what can cause it you can find ways to reduce or even prevent your risk.
- The medical tests and the medical treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
- The other medications that are often used in conjunction with the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
But even more importantly you will learn:
- How reducing your blood pressure and controlling your blood sugar will reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease – even if you are genetically predisposed to it! The book also names the best supplements you can take that will do this for you.
- How the health of your heart affects the health of your head and the steps that you can take to take care of both.
- Homocysteine has been linked to dementia, Alzheimer's, heart disease (and virtually everything else!). Homocysteine is an amino acid that actually increases the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood as well as damaging the inner lining of arteries and promoting blood clots “The Alzheimer's Alternative” shows you simple supplements that will cut through your homocysteine levels like a knife through butter!
- The effects of alcohol and smoking on dementia – and it's not all bad news!
- You will learn the activities that you can do around the home that will help keep the brain sharp. No matter how old you are there will be something for everyone!
- 10 simple memory joggers that can help anyone suffering from dementia.
- What the best type of diet is for optimal brain health!
- Why drinking fizzy drinks is not only rotting your teeth but also your brain – and what you should drink instead!
- The one – two punch of vitamin C and E that will dramatically improve your thinking.
- The power of the B vitamins – both on their own and in combination.
- Which carotenoids can improve your eyes, brain, heart and prevent cancer!
- How Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng can do wonders for your memory on their own but are even more powerful in this combination – the actual doses that were used in the Northumbria University study that made changes within the hour!
- How Sage, Lemon Balm and Rosemary can improve memory and mood.
- How a herb has been made into one of the most powerful Alzheimer's medications there is – and how you can take it safely without prescription!
- How 6 other herbs from around the world (all easily obtained over the internet) can be used singularly or together with amazing results. The one from India has been used for so long it is almost part of their culture
- The dangers lurking in your deodorant – and why you may want to change it now!
- How you can safely limit your intake of heavy metals known to affect dementia and also how you can detox them out of your body
Also included are summary sheets you can use that compact and simplify the information you have discovered into a few short pages.
I have been learning,working and teaching in the alternative health-care arena for over twenty years and you pick up a few things over that time that have amazing effects on the lives of others. However it is only when things strike closer to home that you really get involved!
This book was written because of my own personal circumstances. My father has Alzheimer's disease – and you like me will do anything to help a loved one – so I researched all the available information to improve his condition.
At the age of 88 he is still physically active, able to join in a conversation and aware of everything around him. Yes, he has bad days when he isn't himself (but don't we all!) and it is those times when I regret that I didn't have this information to hand earlier – because I know it has made a difference!
The Alzheimer's Alternative gives you all the latest material that you need to improve your own situation and because things change so rapidly in medicine and health it will be constantly updated through the members area of the website so that you always have the latest research and information to hand.
Also every sale of the book will result in a donation to one of the carers associations so not only will you be protecting yourself and your loved ones, you will also be helping support and care for the people behind the scenes – the ones that very often need the most help – the carers!
The Alzheimer's Alternative
Get your copy now
and discover how not to forget!